Up close and Personal

Traffic Lab blog

Do you want to get to know us a little better? – This is a blog where you will get a glimpse of work-life at Traffic Lab

Hopefully this blog will be filled to the brim with interesting posts that let the rest of the world know what it’s like to work in the most vibrant iGaming company in the world. At the same time, it can be a tool for self-reflection – and a celebration of our hard work and unique company culture.

In short, the idea is to tell the story behind the leads and numbers, and to share our hard-earned knowledge within the industry. Let the creativity flow.

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16th December 2021

Already wrapping up another year?

This 2021 is coming to an end. It feels that it was just a couple of weeks ago that we were celebrating the opening of our basement  or even playing online bingo in our Friday bar while working from home.  Despite a pandemic and the restrictions that came along, we were able to enjoy most of the year with different in-person social activities and working days at the office.  

When Denmark entered the first stage of the planned lifting of corona virus restrictions in April, we started to encourage people to work from the office when they felt it was easier and safer. This led us to implement the Traffic Lab Corona Safety Rules which meant that when participating in company activities or working from the office, we needed to present either a negative PCR or antigentest that was not more than 72 hours old, or a full vaccination documented in the digital Coronapas app or a previous infection with no more than 180 days old, also documented. Aside of this, when working from the office, we needed to keep a 2 meters distance to fellow co-workers, use facemasks in common areas and alcohol-based rub as often as possible.

At the end of May we had our first in-person Friday bar since the first lockdown! We were looking so much forward to relax and have a great time together at the beautiful Bernstorff’s Mansion and its historical setting. The following months more events took place. Our summer party at Klampenborg Galopbane where we had amazing dinner and music to enjoy the dance floor. Our Halloween party where the spookiest costume won a B&O Wireless Speaker M3 and our Christmas dinner with a great view from the terrace of the building we were having a remarkable night.

Aside of social events, in Traffic Lab we also think about strategies that can help our organizational performance and enhance our professional development. This is why we created a new concept at work: Knowledge day. This monthly meeting took place at the office from July and is inspired by finding ways to address the after-pandemic effects on employees. It is a space where we can learn from external speakers and team-building workshops developed by ourselves once per month at the office.

In general, 2021 was the year where the main goal was finding innovative ways to maintain the spirit up. Traffic Lab is constantly looking for a balance between the fact that we need to care for everyones safety while maintaining a business that runs forward. We don’t really know if a “normal day at work” is even going to be possible in the upcoming times, but we are certain that we will be able to keep ourselves together and stronger than ever.  

Cheers to a prosper 2022!

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