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Our story

About us

From the daily coffee cups to our company culture and partner relations, our goal is to live up to our core values. These guiding principles are cornerstones of our company identity – what Traffic Lab is really about.

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Founded with an Experimental Spirit

Traffic Lab was founded by Sebastian Agerskov and Tuomas Jauhiainen in 2014, whose paths crossed in the lead-generation industry in Finland.

Together the two of them started to visionize, explore the different ideas and concepts they had. In the very beginning Traffic Lab still worked with diverse products but eventually, the product catalog came to include iGaming, mostly as an experiment.

Tuomas and Sebastian very soon realized that they had found a gap in the market and decided to merge their businesses into what Traffic Lab is today. And suddenly what had begun as an entrepreneurial experiment soon developed into a successfully established business.

Traffic Lab has long since outgrown from its start-up project phase, but it is our intention to let the inherent experimental spirit to live on, grow and flourish alongside the company. The curiosity and thirst for discoveries remain in the very core of what Traffic Lab is, and captures the inventive ‘lab mentality’, as a legacy that our employees still work with every single day.

Seb and Tuomas

Courage Meets Creativity

At Traffic Lab we dare to do things differently and walk to the beat of our own drum. We aim to create our own rules and challenge the existing paradigms. Otherwise we could not possibly establish ourselves as the front runners of the insanely dynamic, over-the-top competitive industry that we operate in.

In order to find new creative solutions, we ideate, innovate and experiment. This is why we embrace the creative laboratory environment where there is room for trial and error, and to be adventurous. We encourage our people to trust that finding new ways of doing things is possible - to think sci-fi!

This is not to say that all the ideas and prototypes generated are developed into working products. Sometimes the experiments fail but then we get right back up and keep going. In order to make the biggest discoveries we cannot afford to be afraid of taking risks. This surely takes guts and courage, but we doubt that any great invention has ever been achieved by playing safe.

We welcome the challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and trust strongly that the ingenious minds of our team will solve any puzzle that comes our way.

All the Traffic Labbers in the garden outside cheering

Agility with Flat Structure

At Traffic Lab we aim to reduce bureaucracy and hierarchies to bare minimum, and we operate with a flat organisation model. We believe that it is our fluid organization with lean processes that differentiates us and gives us the distinctive edge of agility when we are competing with big stock-listed companies of the iGaming industry.

Our flat business structure allows informal communication and greater engagement on a day to day level. Not being stuck with titles and stumbling to complex internal hierarchies gives us a flexible workflow with unceremonious interaction between colleagues of different departments. All projects can be discussed freely, and everyone gets a say when it comes to decision-making processes.

We trust each other. The position, level of seniority or title does not make a difference - every ‘labber’ has a voice at Traffic Lab. Grab a coffee, take a seat and speak up your mind.

The Power of Positivity & Teamwork

All of us are experts in our fields whilst at the same time dedicated team players. Our team spirit is the determining factor behind the great results we have achieved so far.

Behind each of our products lies teamwork that involves several departments, a lot of discussion and sharing ideas and expertise. At times we may disagree, but we are good at showing consideration towards one another. Mutual understanding is achieved through dialogue, and there is often a bubbly atmosphere in 'the laboratory' where vivid conversation mixes with background music from our common music system. Meetings often end up with a different - and better – outcome than the one we had first imagined.

We are extremely proud of the phenomenal atmosphere and the mood that vibrates in our laboratory. The positive ambiance at our office is also very much due to the fact that we actively prioritize fun and social events. And a good laugh. We mission every day to create a greater sense of joy in going to work for each employee.

Meet the team
Kasandra Tobias Petya Henrik Mihai AK

A Non-competitive Work Environment

At Traffic Lab the informal communication and flat organization is accompanied by a non-competitive work environment. When operating in an ultra-competitive industry as we are, internally we rather collaborate than sharpen our elbows.

Rather we aim to create an inclusive environment where colleagues support each other, elevate one another, and celebrate successes together. We strive to ensure that every employee feels empowered to be their best self.

We believe that each team member should take part in creating our working environment where the ideas of their colleagues are heard, and their opinions are valued and reflected in the decisions we made and the products we build.

We want work-life at Traffic Lab to create the foundation of a stress-free lifestyle. Thanks to a company structure that doesn't focus on individual achievements, we experience very little overtime. On the other hand, we experience happy colleagues and stunning results!

Good Chemistries Combined


Good Chemistries Combined

At Traffic Lab we embrace diversity - also on a personal level. Our colleagues come from different backgrounds and live different lives. What we have in common is honesty, empathy, and respect for one another. People meet each other as equals and relationships between departments are good.

On a professional level, too, we gravitate towards the unique. We do everything in-house, which means that a diverse array of skills and knowledge is required to make the magic happen. Our differences are also our combined strengths.

Creating an environment that values diverse worldviews enables us to have more innovative ideas and create better products. While embracing diversity makes our work culture more colorful but is also the key to our success as a company. Creating unity - described by trust and mutual respect is the chemistry that binds the diverse skill sets, minds, and ideas of the creative lab together.

In brief, there's no such thing as a Traffic Lab uniform, neither when it comes to the outfit nor mentality. We want you to bring your whole self with you when you enter the lab in the morning – you can be part of the team as yourself. We believe that our laboratory performs the best when there are several different chemistries in the mix.

Balance and Development

‘Balance’ is an important concept for us. Everyone needs to feel that there's a healthy balance between routine assignments and passion projects, as well as work-life and time off. We believe that balance creates the best foundation for growth and creativity, both for the individual and the company.

At Traffic Lab there are always opportunities to jump into projects that are exciting to work with, either because they are right up your ally or because they entail the possibility to learn something completely new. There are common work tasks that need to be tackled, and here we all do our part, regardless of titles.

Our fluid organization enables us to change direction and even to try out new paths entirely. Hence today we have several colleagues who work in different departments than when they first started.

The importance of creating an appropriate work-life balance is emphasized when working in environment where the pace is frenetic. We want to encourage our people to have a healthy balance between work assignments and commitments at home. We believe that living a full life outside of the office makes our team more dedicated at the office.

kasandra workingflower close upnicolai smiling

An Autonomous Business

Traffic Lab was funded with equity capital. In this sense we are independent as there are neither external investors nor growth targets to be met on behalf of third parties.

As an autonomous business, we don’t let annual cycles and quarterly plans dictate our everyday. Objectives and ambitions are plenty, but we don't hire people based on numbers on Excel sheets in order to show off an attractive growth curve. Rather, we secure new creative forces when the time is right and when it makes sense for us.

nicolai workingpresentationstatueoutside-sunshine
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