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01 TrafficLab News - In English, Please!

News article published 25th of October 2019

In English, Please!

For an organization, sharing a vision or dream is essential to success. The foundation for this is a common language.

At our Copenhagen office, we at presently employ 5 foreign speaking colleagues, as well as a handful more non-native Danish speakers. As a consequence, we are proud to say that have chosen to change our official company language from Danish to English.

As affiliates, we are working with English-speaking partners on a daily basis and all us Danes get along fine, albeit with some of that famous ‘Danglish’ accent. And while the shift of language may occasionally cause some confusion, we all believe the benefits far outweighs the difficulties.

The most noteworthy change so far is that we have discarded the Danish version of our company site. Furthermore, all job postings will henceforth be in English. Plenty of Danish is still spoken at our office, but announcements are generally made in English, and whenever an English-speaking colleague is attending a meeting, we adapt.

Our heritage definitely has a role to play in making the transition easy. Traffic Lab was founded with a multicultural spirit, by Sebastian Agerskov (half Finnish – half Danish), and Toumas Jauhiainen (Finnish). From the beginning, it has been our vision to create a great place to work for everyone, regardless of their background and lifestyle. Now, this aspiration has simply been further manifested in the way we communicate.

Sharing language and vision, the journey continues - it’s amazing what we can achieve together!
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